Chicken or Egg: Relationship between LinkedIn posts by HuggingFace employees and Nvidia Stock Price
Oddly correlated - are they symbiotic?
Found a peculiar relationship: the connection between Nvidia's stock price and the emoji usage in LinkedIn posts by HuggingFace employees.
Data Collection
Source: Public LinkedIn posts from HuggingFace employees (did not account for any shift from new employees joining or employees leaving)
Timeframe: One year of weekly observations, back from Aug 26 2024
Average number of emojis per post
Nvidia's stock closing price at the end of each week
Example of Emoji Definition in LinkedIn Post:
Post above contains 10 emojis (did not count emojis in employee role description).
Key Findings
Odd chart, code avail here
Did not remove outliers, but the calculated R² value of .99 suggests a strong correlation between these seemingly unrelated variables.
Open question:
Sentiment wasn’t taken into account - it’s assumed it’s overall positive. Since correlation does not equal causation, it opens a question of if/how symbiotic this might be (e.g. is the stock prices causing emojis to increase or are the emojis generating increases in the stock price - or neither?)